Friday, May 21, 2010

Ques 32:- What is the difference between Industry standard Routing Protocol and Cisco Standard Routing Protocol?

Except Cisco All of the Company Router Are Only Support Industry Standard Routing protocol. This Company Router Only Support RIP & OSPF Routing protocol in The Network.

But Cisco Have developed Own routing protocol that is Called Cisco Standard Routing protocol. IGRP & EIGRP Is the Cisco standard Routing protocol in the network. Cisco Are Talking About – My Routing protocol Is More intelligent routing protocol than RIP & OSPF. And he is also talking about If U Will Use my router, My Router Supports All of the routing protocol in the network. Such As—RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF

Ques 31:- What is the Difference between Routing Protocol and Routed Protocol?

Routing Protocol – Routing Protocol is responsible For Sending and Receiving a Route from One Router to another Router in the Network. When Ever We Will Enable a Routing protocol on the router, in That case Router Automatically creates A Route on the router. As for Example—RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, and OSPF

Routed Protocol – Routed Protocol is responsible for provides the communication From Source device To Destination Device in the Network. As For Example—TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, apple talk

Ques 30:- How many types of Protocol in the Network?

There are two types of protocol in the network

1. Routing Protocol  i.e. RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF
2. Routed Protocol  i.e. TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, Apple Talk

Ques 29:- What is Protocol?

Protocol is a set of rules and regulations that provides the communication between two or more different devices in the network.

Ques 28:- What is IOS {Internetwork Operating System}?

IOS stands for Inter Network Operating System. IOS works as an interpreter between hardware device and user interface.

Ques 27:- What is the Difference between Static Routing and Default Static Routing?

Static Routing – In static routing Administrator manually create A Route on the router. It is basically use for Smaller Size organization in the network.

Default static Routing – If only one Existing point is Available on The Router, In That case We Will create A Default static route on the Router.

Ques 26:- How many methods to create a Route on the Router?

Static routing – In a static routing administrator manually create a route on the router it is basically use for smaller size network.

Dynamic Routing – In dynamic routing we will use some protocol that Protocol is called dynamic routing protocol. Whenever we will enable a routing protocol on the router then after router automatically create a Route. It is basically use for larger size network.

Ques 25:- What is Routing Table?

Routing Table Are Stored on the Router In the Network. In Routing Table All OF the routes are Available on the Router. When Ever Router Receive Any Packets From one network Then after Router Find Out the destination network in Routing Table Then After, Router Send that packet To Respective Router in the network

Ques 24:- What is Routing?

Routing route a packet from one network ID to another network ID. Routes are created on router. Layer 3 device provides the routing in the network. As for example layer 3 switch and router.

Ques 23:- What is the difference between Static VLAN and Dynamic VLAN?

Static VLAN – In Static VLAN administrator assign the manually membership of any port in any particular VLAN in the switch.

Dynamic VLAN – Dynamic VLAN basically works on MAC Address Basis in the network. In dynamic VLAN administrator do not assign the manually membership of any port in any particular VLAN in the switch. For dynamic VLAN we will use VMPS Server. VMPS stands for VLAN Management policy Server.

Ques 22:- How many types of VLAN?

There are two types of VLAN

1. Static VLAN
2. Dynamic VLAN

Ques 21:- What is Native VLAN?

By default VLAN one are available on the switch and all of ports are member of that VLAN that is called Native VLAN. We cannot Modify or delete native VLAN but we can change the membership of any port in the switch.

Ques 20:- What is Uplink Port?

Uplink port provides the Connectivity between Two Or more Network Devices in the Network.